Our Collective Act (OCA): Dance Meets Pedagogy
Fabien Maltais-Bayda and Victoria McKenzie
‘Our Collective Act’ (OCA) is a collaborative work between two academic-dancers: Fabien Maltais-Bayda and Victoria McKenzie. Beginning in 2015 when the two collaborators met at the University of Toronto—OCA was born within the institution as a means of disrupting it—eventually extending into the public sphere.
OCA is the coming together of thought and body—theory and action—teaching and listening. The collective thinks through the body which is often seen as secondary to the mind therefore disrupting the binary created by a Cartesian Western dualism. Through the utilisation of choreography, as the coming together of theory—body—landscape—speech, the collective presents new methodologies for pedagogy and politics where action and movement bring thought and theory, as opposed to the reversal. The work extends into the methodologies of society and politics at large, to ask—what if we placed somatic action at the forefront of our political responses? What if, alongside the thinking entailed within policy, there was also a ‘doing’/being coupled with the wants and needs of our communities?
OCA has exhibited at various galleries and museum spaces such as the Humber Gallery, Toronto and the Logan Centre, UChicago in a show curated by Theaster Gates. OCA is currently working towards interrogating pedagogical models and redesigning curriculums to include somatic action for a forthcoming course that is focused on embodied knowledge and healing.
Manifesto for Being
Manifesto for Being --
Let movement guide thought. From movement, from the Soma (body)—new intelligence arises. There is deep wisdom within the body, what if we allowed this to guide us?
Language is a major vehicle of our being on Earth. With language we are able to communicate, with communication we are able to negotiate. From negotiation, I can be ‘me’, you can be ‘you’—individuals and collectives can exist.
The landscape is a 4th dimension. The land, the Earth, our mother is a choreographer and teacher. Just as the body holds wisdom, so too does the Earth—and each landscape offers something different. The history, geopolitics, Earth writings and morphologies over time—this is language, so how can we listen?